Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Weather record

We have been keeping track of the weather for where we live to see how it changes. The temp. went up and down it never stayed at one temp. for more than 2 days. We are lucky that our temp. and wind and everything changes because some places it is cold or warm all the time and they don't get rain, or wind like we do. In Asia they are getting a lot of rain this week and their low is 39 and their high is 54 degrees. The map below shows a warm front coming up from the South West into china and the southern part of Asia.

Asia Satellite

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

wes D

Today in class we had a project to see how the coriolis effect is throughout the world. without the coriolis effect and wind there would be a drought. so there would be no water movement making the oceans be still. this causes drought because there would be no way for the water to get to some places without the movement and transporting of the water. this would cause many places to be very dry and have no precipitation. the movement of water depends on the type of soil or animal life it has to go through. when it travels through trees they take more water in order to grow, so if they take all the water then there would be none left for you to get so you would go through a drought.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

activity 4

Today in class we had to measure the temperature of water in a clear pop bottle that was sealed off with tape so that the room air couldn't get in. we taped a thermometer into the bottle and wrote down the temp. every minute for 20 minutes. Everyone in the class had a different type of soil or just water in their bottles and they had a different kind of bottle. there were some that were painted on the top to symbol clouds in a sky and some like ours were clear to symbol no clouds. We all had a lamp that was 6 inches away from the bottle to symbol the heat.we saw that our temp. went up and would stay there for a couple of minutes and then it would go up another point and then stay there and the process continued until the end where it stayed the same and the last one. this shows that when there isn't clouds in the sky there is more direct sunlight on the earth making the water that is n the land evaporate.Evaporation is the process by which molecules in a liquid state (water) spontaneously become gaseous water vapor.
When you are in a drought the temperatures are usually higher than normal. The severity of the drought depends upon the degree of moisture, duration and the size of the affected area.


Tuesday, April 1, 2008

why is nature playing April Fools?

Today in class we saw how the 3 dominant conditions impact our weather. these three conditions form our weather and bring us different weather storms at different times in the seasons. the first condition is moderate La Nina conditions which is a coupled ocean-atmosphere phenomenon similar to El Nino.During a period of La Niña, the sea surface temperature across the equatorial Eastern Central Pacific Ocean will be lower than normal by 0.5 °C. In the United States, an episode of La Niña is defined as a period of at least 5 months.
The second condition is the strong polar circulation. which is the large-scale movement of air, and put together with the smaller ocean circulation, the means by which heat is distributed on the surface of earth.
the third and final one is the divided north American jet stream. these is the maps that show us where the weather is going to hit the hardest.
when you get these weather conditions they change your climate. When we see these types of conditions they effect how our plant and food preservation. We are seeing right now that out fruit and vegetable life's are hit hard in the summer down south because there isn't enough weather and moisture there for them to grow. this is related to drought because here isn't enough water there to soften the land so they can grow food for them selfs. if the ground is hard and has no water source how d you expect them to grow food, have plants, or trees for shade or anything else at that matter?
